Adrian Galia in Philadelphia

Baile Workshop with Adrian Galia

Don’t miss this rare and special opportunity.

Adrian Galia

Son of Flamenco dancers, is born on the year of 1965 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He begins his dancing studies in the “Escuela de Ballet Nacional de España” (Spanish National Ballet School), under the direction of the great ANTONIO.

Studio 954 Dance Movement Collective

(just south of Girard Ave) There is plenty of street parking right out in front.

Here’s a little clip on Adrian to get a taste of what is to come!



El Flamenco es un arte universal, sin pasaporte, sin fronteras, sólo toma tu tiempo para entender y comprender la naturaleza de esta cultura milenaria — Flamenco is an universal art, without a passport, without borders, just take your time to learn and understand the nature of this ancient culture — Le flamenco est un art universel, sans passeport, sans frontières, juste prendre votre temps pour apprendre et comprendre la nature de cette culture ancestrale.

Adrian Galia

Visit Adrian’s Web site.

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